Dr. Jim Garlow: Useful Idiot or Fascist Change Agent
Dr. Jim Garlow at Skyline Church in LaMesa, CA Nearly 25 years ago, radio and television evangelists began speaking about a new political religion that would direct its efforts toward taking control of...
Congressional Testimony of REV. RICHARD WURMBRAND HEARING Before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws, of the Committee on...
View ArticlePastor Mark Musser: Relating Environmental Fascism to Baalism and the End Times
________________________________________________________Pss.2[1] Why do the heathen rage (conspire), and the people imagine a vain thing?[2] The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take...
View ArticleMarxist Propaganda about White Land Ownership in South Africa
Karl Marx said: “The first battlefield is the re-writing of history.” This is an age when, very rapidly, the truth about the past is being “revised” by Marxists, liberals and others, and unless this...
View ArticleObama goes to China For New World Order & Billy Graham Exposed - Video
Matthew 10:22 - “And ye shall be hated of all men for My name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.“Matthew 24:9 - “…ye shall be hated of all nations for My name’s sake.“Mark 13:13 -...
View ArticleThe New World Order's Use of Massive Immigration
The NWO practices destabilization of nations via massive immigration. It's happening to this one and also happens around the world. Yesterday I saw this article, where it Sweden has outlawed criticism...
View ArticleDönmeh judar bakom wahhabismen och IS?
De finns väl idag knappast någon förnuftig människa som inte fruktar eller oroar sig för vad IS (Islamska staten), som har gått från att vara en liten rörelse till att bli världens farligaste och...
View Article”Religionen bidrar inte till ett bättre samhälle” säger Bo Rothstein
Det är sant att religion bidrar inte till ett bättre samhälle. Det är en självklarhet. Men biblisk tro (= grundad uteslutande på Guds Ord) gör det. Den som inte är född på nytt som Bo Rothstein kan...
View ArticleKent Hovind In Prison Falsely Accused - UPDATE
FREE KENT HOVIND & PAUL HANSEN NOW! Sign the Petition!--Should Creation Teacher Kent Hovind Spend the Rest of His Life in Prison?Author and teacher Kent Hovind. Image from YouTube. UPDATE...
View ArticleCatholic Political Coercion Through Civil Law & Testimony ~ Video
Catholic Political Coercion is what the Catholic Church thrived on for many years throughout the Middle Ages. Although her methods have changed, her goals have never changed, as one can see in this...
View ArticleA Chronology of the UN The Revolutionary Steps to Global Tyranny & Joan Veon,...
"Locksley Hall" by Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1842 For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see, Saw the Vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be...Till the war-drum throbb'd no...
View ArticleUnder the Sign of the Scorpion: the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire
This book provides stunning information about the secret role of the freemasons in international politics, about the bloody upheavals in France in 1789 and in Russia in 1917. The Author reveals the...
View ArticleVae Victis! Om Förintelsen Av Tyskland - Av Lars Adelskogh
Regimerna i västvärlden tvingar sina medborgare att minnas förintelsen av Europas judar i gaskamrar som inte längre finns kvar att beskåda. Samtidigt sopar man andra förintelser under mattan. Kritik av...
View ArticleHow to own the world and make you to their property ~Video
"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion...
View ArticleFolkmordspolitiken går in i en ny fas
Det är en kuslig tid vi lever i på många olika sätt. Orätten och orättfärdigheten frodas som aldrig förr och det är inte mycket som förvånar en längre. Den patologiska godheten slår ständigt nya rekord...
View ArticleFive Reasons Why You Should Read Technocracy Rising ~Video
from Coherent Publisning Plus 13 hours ago All Audiences This short video gives five reasons why you should read Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation. Technocracy is a...
View ArticleNews/INFO Nov. 18, 2015 - MEDIA LIERS and DUMMIES!
"Hela världen är i den ondes våld." 1 Johannes 5:19Dead People in France Theatre are Dummies, Not Real HumansIt truly is a Zionist world where these hideous ones, these rogue elements on this planet...
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